Edit a report

Frequently Asked Question:

How to Edit a report


The Scoring Assistant for WAIS-III/WMS-III is a profile report writer only and does not include options to save case data or reports. You cannot edit a report, since the report is a graphical image rather than text. The WAIS-III-WMS-III Writer is a newer and more comprehensive software program with database options.

The Writer offers the choice of Interpretive, Statistical, Client, and Clinical reports and the longer reports may be edited with standard Windows word processing software. Please note that the WAIS-III-WMS-III Writer is not available for Macintosh. This Windows 95 software will not work on any Macintosh system.

The SAWS A is no longer available for purchase. Support for this software will continue for computers that fall within the parameters of the system requirements.  For a list of system requirements please see the article in this section titled “System Requirements”

Article ID: 2044
Last updated: 01 Jul, 2010
Software Support -> — S — -> SAWS-A -> Edit a report