Error 1628 failed to complete installation

Error Description:

Error 1628 failed to complete installation


The software installation must install certain files to the Windows and Windows\System folders. If you do not have access rights to the drive, or your system will not install those support files, install cannot continue. Reset the drive rights before and after installing the software. If there are no security features keeping you from installing system files, and you are still unable to update or install System files, you may have a system issue requiring a reinstall of Windows or specific components thereof. See your network administrator for additional assistance.

If the error occurs during ""Please wait this might take a few moments"" you may have a problem accessing our online web servers. This could be because no internet connection is available, or a firewall or proxy server is blocking the Authorization process from completing.

If the error occurs during the initial product install blue screen, before the installer comes up, this could indicate that the installer is not functional or is improperly configured. If this is the case, Please contact your internal technical support to troubleshoot the MSI installer.

Additional Notes:

If you are still experiencing this issues, Please contact our support center at 1-800-249-0659.

Article ID: 1377
Last updated: 30 Jun, 2010
Software Support -> — W — -> WIAT-II Canadian Scoring Assistant -> Error 1628 failed to complete installation