Frm Main DisplayReportWindow Error 91 Error line 250 Variable Object or width Block variable not set

Error Description:

Frm Main DisplayReportWindow Error 91 Error line 250 Variable Object or width Block variable not set


We currently do not support any international version (or language pack) of Microsoft Operating Systems for the following reasons:

WPPSI-III French Scoring Assistant (Aide la Notation WPPSI-III) will be the first international product released by CPG. Because of this, at this time we are only aware of the differences between a French Operating System with a France locale, and ours. Therefore, we can say that our software will most likely work if the Regional Settings in the Control Panel of a French OS is set to Anglais (tes-unis amerique), which is English (United States). This setting would have to be set throughout the entire process (install, launch, execute, uninstall, etc...). However, none of our software has been tested on this operating system at this time.

Article ID: 1196
Last updated: 14 Apr, 2010
Software Support -> — W — -> WAIS-III WMS-III WIAT-II Writer -> Frm Main DisplayReportWindow Error 91 Error line 250 Variable Object or width Block variable not set