Printed report uses wrong graphics

Frequently Asked Question:

Printed report uses wrong graphics


Ensure that the following are correct for your printer and system:

If adjustments to the current printer drive settings do not help, try using a different printer or installing another printer driver for your current model printer. Using a new printer with a more generic print driver is often effective. For example, with a HP laser printer set up a new printer using the generic print driver HP LaserJet (as opposed to HP LaserJet 5mp).

If the printer driver is not correct for the current printer, the margin settings may be too large or too small, resulting in blank pages inserted in the document. You can follow the above instructions to change the printer driver or save the report for edit/print with your Windows word processor.

The Sensory Profile is no longer available for purchase. Please update your software to the enhanced Sensory Profile Select Scoring Assistant.  

Article ID: 1028
Last updated: 01 Jul, 2010
Software Support -> — S — -> Sensory Profile Scoring Assistant -> Printed report uses wrong graphics